Tumor in the Femur

Because it's fun to say and we need to say fun things.


Irene Veldstra

also… eeek! Two Months and 11 days until Angelena’s trip!

Oh this big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff… it gets a little weird sometimes doesn’t it, and trying to balance all the spinning plates, and we all know how clumsy I am, I can barely hold one plate in my hand without it being in danger!

And course consistency is not my strength, especially with chaotic days and weeks and I wonder how here we are on the 12th day of 2024!

There was a teacher’s strike during November, so there was no school, but students are back in school and Angelena is working hard on her studies, they are working on dental activities currently and she finds it interesting, but it also confirms she doesn’t want to be a dentist!

We are still trying to get lists together for the trip, figure out the cash situation, and other things I don’t know how to do because I haven’t traveled internationally (or much at all) since I was three years old but my parents took care of that.

I added a few travel things to our Amazon list, but keep an eye out because we will probably be adding more.

Thanks to EVERYONE who has been helping out with our fundraiser too! Check it out and share it on social media if you can! I am also having a clearance sale at my Depop Shop - out with old, in with the new, and all proceeds from my sales go to Angelena’s travel fund, come shop with me! Other links to our PayPal or Venmo are on my home page.

Thank you again for all the love and support you give to our little family, we are very grateful.